Olearius Adam, Busch Andreas, Rotgizer A, Rotgizer H, Tirutin Filipp, Scott Benjamin. Greater Academic (Gottorp) globe. 1651-1664;1748-1752
Olearius Adam, Busch Andreas, Rotgizer A, Rotgizer H, Tirutin Filipp, Scott Benjamin. Greater Academic (Gottorp) globe. 1651-1664;1748-1752
МАЭ № 7667-1. МЛ-2663/1
Greater Academic (Gottorp) globe
Olearius Adam
Busch Andreas
Rotgizer A
Rotgizer H
Tirutin Filipp
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wood, steel, copper, linen, oil
diameter 310.0; height 386.0
Terrestrial and celestial globe, so called Greater Academic. The globe was made by mechanician A. Busch, gravers A. and H. Rotgizers in 1651-1664 by the project of Adam Olearius, restored by maechanicians B. Scott and F. N. Tirutin, cartographer I. F. Truscott and painter I. E. Grimmel in 1748-1752 after the fire in 1747. Diplomatic gift of Karl Friedrich, the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, for the Tzar Peter I. The Greater Academic Globe repeats the parameters of the Gottorp Globe, reproducing operating rotating mechanism, astronomy with the celestial map inside. The geographic map on the external side of the globe represents geographic concepts of the Russian scholars of the first half of the 18th cent. – early 19th cent.. Hollow wooden with iron frame ball, glued with linnen from inside and outside, with maps painted in oil. Square opening to the inside is closed with door with the Holstein arms, remained from Gottorp Globe. Inside the globe: round table, ring bench with horizont, manual rotating mechanism are fixed to the globe axe. Stars are noted by gilded nails. Outside the globe - moovable oak meridian with brass covering. Lower end of the axe is fixed in bearing shoe, the upper - on stretches to the walls. On the terrestrial globe are coordinate grid (10° х 10°), equator and zero meridian (Ferro island) with devisions in 1°. On meridian are degree scale of latitudes with devisions in 0°,1. Axe inclination to horizont is 54°,5. On celestial globe are ecliptic cooridinate system with circles of longitude in 30°, ecliptic and equator with devision in 0°,1 without numbering. On horizont (on the back of the bench) are concentric scales of solar declination (in degrees and minutes), Zodiac and two calendars (Julian and Grigorian calendars). On the table - kinematic bronze ring, connected with the Globe, with geographic points and their latitudes.
History of Science Monuments. 14th-19th centuries. Mikhail Lomonosov Museum