Braun Josef Adam. Slovo o glavnykh peremenakh atmosphery i o predskazanii ih v torzhestvennoe prazdnovanie koronovaniya imp. Elisavety Petrovny...[Word on the main changes in atmosphere and thier forecast for ...festival on coronation of Elisabeth Petrovna...]. 1759
Braun Josef Adam. Slovo o glavnykh peremenakh atmosphery i o predskazanii ih v torzhestvennoe prazdnovanie koronovaniya imp. Elisavety Petrovny...[Word on the main changes in atmosphere and thier forecast for ...festival on coronation of Elisabeth Petrovna...]. 1759
Slovo o glavnykh peremenakh atmosphery i o predskazanii ih v torzhestvennoe prazdnovanie koronovaniya imp. Elisavety Petrovny...[Word on the main changes in atmosphere and thier forecast for ...festival on coronation of Elisabeth Petrovna...]