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Harpoon without a point used for hunting seals
Harpoon without a point used for hunting seals
МАЭ № 2888-66
Harpoon without a point used for hunting seals
Kodiak Eskimos
wood, paint, seal sinew, bald eagle feather
length 136.2 cm, length of the top of the shaft 11 cm, width at the top of the shaft 1.4 cm, length of the bladder 19.5 cm, diameter of the shaft 1.1 cm
“Sealing equipment consists of a (harpoon –S. Korsun) . . . with a bone tip or a spear on which several teeth are carved with a bladder attached to it. Thus, when an animal begins to pull away it is unable to dive into the water. There is yet another type of seal harpoon which is similar to that of the one used for hunting otters but has different blades which are longer and made of bone and which fall off when they strike a blow. The points of these spears, except for the seal harpoons, are attached to a braided sinew cord or lace which is fastened to the shaft. They are placed at the ends set in bone so that when an animal is wounded the point is disconnected and remains in the body of the animal; they unwind the lace from the wood which remains on top of the water, tiring out the prey which is constantly trying to dive under water” (Lisianskii 1947: 185-186).
Ethnography of America
Harpoon without a point used for hunting harbor seals
Heavy harpoon for hunting whales