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Shaman tambourines of the Siberian peoples
Shaman tambourines of the Siberian peoples
The Museum houses a prominent collection on Siberian shamanism, in particular, an extensive collection of shaman tambourines. Almost all the peoples of Siberia had tambourines as an indispensable attribute of shamans, by the tambourine and its appearance, its sound it has been possible to understand a lot about the shaman himself and the ritual performed. Despite the active influence of Christianity and Lamaism, shamanism persisted among the indigenous peoples of Siberia for centuries, rich collections of various attributes of shamans were collected by researchers during the 19th-20th centuries in almost all regions of Siberia. The Museum’s collection of shamanic tambourines is both numerous, and gives a wide geographic and ethnic range. Therefore, its comprehensive study, when the subject of research became design features, the specifics of their manufacture and use, decoration features, allows researchers to trace the historical ties of the peoples of Eurasia, as well as reconstruct their worldviews, understand the traditional ideas of peoples about the structure of the world, ways of human relationship with the surrounding space. The online catalog for the first time provides an opportunity to see the Museum’s extensive collection of one of the most ancient musical instruments of Siberian peoples - shaman tambourines: to consider these religious unique tools, as well as drawings and photographs of researchers made during field studies. The tradition of making shamanic tambourines has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries and today is perceived by the peoples themselves as a special value in the system of their national identification. Therefore, not only professional researchers, but also wider audience show wide interest in the Museum's collection of shaman tambourines. These cultural monuments, preserved in the museum’s collection, today play an important role in the preservation and development of the national cultures of the indigenous peoples of Siberia.
Васильев В.Н. Шаманский костюм и бубен у якутов. СПб., 1910. (Сборник МАЭ; [т. 1], вып. 8)
Анохин А.В. Материалы по шаманству у алтайцев, собранные во время путешествий по Алтаю в 1910-1912 г.г. по поручению Русского комитета для изучения Средней и Восточной Азии. Л., 1924.
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Потапов Л.П. Бубен телеутской шаманки и его рисунки // Сборник Музея антропологии и этнографии / Отв. ред. Толстов С.П. 1949. Т. 10.
Дыренкова Н.П. Материалы по шаманству у телеутов // Сборник Музея антропологии и этнографии / Отв. ред. Толстов С.П. 1949. Т. 10.
Прокофьева Е.Д. Костюм селькупского (остяко-самоедского) шамана // Сборник Музея антропологии и этнографии / Отв. ред. Толстов С.П. 1949. Т. 11.
Прокофьева Е.Д. Энецкий шаманский костюм // Сборник Музея антропологии и этнографии / Отв. ред. Толстов С.П. 1951. Т. 13.
Russian America sketched by Iliya Voznesensky
The Great Benin