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Frederik Ruysch's anatomic collection
Frederik Ruysch's anatomic collection
Kunstkamera's anatomic collections
The project has been aimed to provide access to the catalogue of the one of the earliest collection of the Kunstkamera, founded in St.Petersburg by the Russian Emperor Peter the Great in 1714. Collection of anatomic specimens created by Frederik Ruysch (1638–1731), professor of anatomy and botany in Amsterdam, was procured for the museum in 1717. Among the main tasks of Frederik Ruysch’ Virtual Museum has been publication and comparison of descriptions of 916 specimens housing by Peter the Great’s Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography within the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the ones done by Frederik Ruysch himself in a number of collection catalogue’s volumes published by him in 1691–1728 (Thesaurus anatomicus…), as well as in the earliest catalogue of Petersburg Kunstkamera published in 1742 in St.Petersburg (Musei Imperialis Petropolitani…).
Peter the Great's Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences: Yuri Chictov, Director, Anna Rdziun, Senior Curator , Tatiana Bogomazova, Head of Informationa Technologies Department, Maria Hartanovich, Database Principal Specialist Amsterdam University: Prof. Dr. W. den Boer, Dr. J. J. Driessen van het Reve, Prof. Dr. Otto Bleker, Dr. W. Mulder, Dr. G. M. van de Roemer, Dr. Luuc Kooijmans, Dr. Ing. R. Brandsma Software Development and Design of Catalogue - "KAMIS" Ltd Yuri Loshak, Director General, Project Manager; Yelena Koscheeva, Deputy General Director, Database Programming, Sergei Lisovoy, Head of Multimedia and Internet Projects Department; Stanislav Grozdilov, Principal Designer Acknowledgements The project financed by: The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Moscow in the framework of the Mutual Cultural Heritage programme: Wilhelmina E. Jansen fonds: Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds: Stichting Dr. Hendrik Muller's Vaderlandsch Fonds.
Ethnography of Central Asian peoples in watercolors by A. Pomerantsev
Images, symbols, signs of the Upper Paleolithic